Monday, March 18, 2013

First Time Quilting

For the past few weeks I have had the urge to do a sewing project. I finally go out my mom's sewing machine and worked on a project that I found on Pinterest (as you can see this is my go-to idea site). Here's the original tutorial I found to do this project. What I didn't realize when I began doing this project was that the bigger the letters the easier it would be AND I happened to have chosen rounded letters instead of straight edged letters whic turned out to be much more difficultthat I had originally planned! oh well..we live and learn.

I chose to make the letters smaller than the original tutorial primarily because I had a limited amount of fabric to work with. My letters were size 250 font, I believe the original tutorial has letters that are size 500...well something much bigger than mine were!


After the first two letters I realized that I was in for a world of cramped hands and sore fingers!

But it was all worth it! Trent loves these letters, he has been working on his alphabet a lot lately and has been singing his alphabets at least five times a day! I decided that we would do another coloring project with the paper tracings used for this project, he's actually coloring them right now. No idea what we're going to do with them yet but I'll definitely keep you posted!

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