Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It's been a while

Wow! I hadn't realized how long it's been since I've posted a blog! Well I'm not procrastinating because I have a final on Thursday, I've been studying and doing papers for the past few weeks...I haven't done any new projects lately because life's been super busy...but I did do a few a couple of weeks ago.
I finally finished my dream/inspiration board. I found an old corkboard outside in my mom's garage and I repurposed it.
I started with painting the wood frame. Some of you familiar to pinterest may notice the rubberband accross the top of the bottle, it worked amazingly! I didn't drip paint anywhere, and I didn't have too much paint for the project!

I tried a few different approaches to repurpose the board (paint, spray paint, impression of leaves), but as you can kind of see some of the board was gouged out, and none of the approaches I was trying really covered this well. SO...I ended up finding a bright fabric that matched my paint and I hot-glue and thumb tacked it on.

I think it took me about 3/4 of a yard to cover the board, and I had to cut the edges so that the frame would show. I couldn't figure out a way to take the cork board out of the frame...but this worked well

It took a few passes with the hot glue gun to get all of the edges of the fabric to stick, I think I also ended up hot gluing some of the thumbtacks in (accidentally). But overall I like the way it came out.

Here it is with some of my things already added. It's put up right over my desk to keep me motivated when I'm studying or working on some papers.

As I mentioned before I'm kind of procrastinating on my homework, and I figured what better way to make me feel less like I'm procrastinating than to cook some good food of my son...I made us spaghetti and meatballs. I used a recipe from allrecipes.com for Meatball nirvana....OMG these were super easy and very delicious! but they might have been a bit spicy for Trent...
Unfortunately my son didn't like it because it was too spicy for him...Luckily I was also trying a recipe from Pinterest for easy baked mini omelets. It was super easy...just had to beat some eggs and cut up your veggies and bake! well there may have been a few more steps than that...but I loved it!

Luckily for me Trent loved this one...I used garlic spam (mmmm...delicious!!!) green onions, onions, bell peppers, and cheddar cheese, with a little extra cheddar cheese on top (after it baked). I think I might make these more often...especially since I'm not a morning person I can just pop these in the microwave for Trent while I wait for my coffee to finis brewing. ;)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Keeping Busy

I worked on that diaper cake I mentioned in my previous blog. I still need to figure out how to decorate it more, but it's the best I can do with what I've got. Her baby shower is gender neutral with a Winnie-the-Pooh theme. I looked up a few different ways to make the diaper cake, I've done a few before but I didn't feel like rolling a whole bunch of diapers. I found a pretty good tutorial through Pinterest, the link leads to Momaroo. Her instructions are pretty good, but the holding with string thing got pretty old when I was trying to be more efficient at adding diapers instead of one at a time. So I ended up using the basic principles of these instructions to make my diaper cake, I did a slip knot around the diaper cake with kite string to make my circles. It took me 3-4 different tries to tie off the string and keep the diaper cake together (meaning it fell apart 3-4 times and I had to start from scratch the same amount of times!).

Anywho, I was finally able to finish the diaper cake...then I ran out of ribbon for the top tier!

Here's the final project, I may decorate it more with other winnie the pooh things, I'm still debating on what's gonna happen with the look but I like this one it came out pretty good...and once I figured out how to tie off the string for the layers it went pretty fast.

While I was still in the mood to decorate the house I came accross a really easy and interesting idea paint the covers of shoe boxes and hang them. It took me two coats of the base color to cover the box completely then I stenciled on the design. I like how it came out!

Oh yeah! I also forgot to mention that I got the paint from Home Depot at their samplle section for $2, I realized that this was pretty cheap for the different colors and it would probably work better on some of the other painting projects I'm thinking of doing later on.

The last project I did was a version of another Pinterest pin. I think it came out pretty cool.

I cut the lines a bit close and some of them broke after I took the picture! oh well it wasn't a good shirt anyways and I was only planning on using it at home or at the beach.
I added the shirt underneath so that you could see the lines that I cut better. I'm planning on doing another paint project with another bottle and stencil idea. I'm also not sure if I'll be doing another crafting project or a cooking project soon. Oh well, I'm sure something new will come up soon, school is starting to get the best of me and I'm trying my best not to check out just yet! Thanks for stopping by

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I've been busy...

So I just realized that it's been quite a while since my last post. There's been so much going on lately! I had to go to Oahu for school before Spring break, while there I got to stay with my brother and his girlfriend, I got to go see my mom and grandma, and I got to meet up with one of my best friends! It was so much fun, but it felt so short lived. But I digress.
It was actually because of this trip that I was inspired to do some rearranging and decorating around my place, so that it feels more like a place for me and Bo, rather than the obvious that we're living in my mom's place. I've been on Pinterest a lot lately looking up some decorating ideas and such. Here's what I've done so far.

I upcycled a mirror, the frame used to be a plastic with a wooden pattern. I just taped newspaper to the mirror (because I couldn't take off the frame) and spray painted it for the base color, then I stenci
led some flowers on with acrylic paint. I also added a wall cling of my favorite flowers to the area to give it a little more ME :p

I went to some consignment stores and found some cheap picture frames and I tried to upcyle these as well to make some "new" wall art. The first one I did, I just spray painted the press wood black and I added some scrapbook stickers and paper to the matting to make the picture look different. The second one (which I will be re-doing) I glued fabric to the back, cut out some letters taped down onto fabric and painted over...I don't like it much because I used the wrong color to paint over the letters.


I really liked the wall stickers so I kind of got a few...maybe a lot but they make the rooms look so diferent! I love them. I'm waiting for a few more to come in, they're just words so that I can add them to the pretty leaves and such.

This last one actually has it's sayings up it says "Cherish yesterday, live today, and dream  tomorrow"

And finally the last project I did was an upcycled wine bottle. I stripped it of the label which was actually easier than I thought (I soaked it in warm water and then under running warm water I scraped it off with a spoon, to make sure I got all the sticky stuff off I wiped it down with goo-gone and one last wipe with vinegar to make sure all the goo-gone was off) spray painted it white, traced a stencil on with pencil, then hand painted in the stencil with acrylic paint...I think this one took the most time but it came out so nice! I really like this one...Now I gotta figure out where to put it!

Next I'll be working on a diaper cake for my girlfriend's baby shower next weekend, I'm in charge of it and we're doing a gender reveal baby shower, so I know what she's having, but she and her husband have no idea! should be exciting! I'll keep you posted!

I'm not really sure what the next projects will be but it's getting closer to finals week, and my procrastination and stress levels are starting to increase....hopefully I can keep it under control, but I'll keep updating as much as I can. Thanks for stopping by!